Same as the rules: don't lend money to friends, don't mix business and friends, and don't mix business and pleasure. In each case, there is an enlarged comfort zone that causes one to drop one's guard, setting up a perfect opportunity to fail.
Same as the rules: don't lend money to friends, don't mix business and friends, and don't mix business and pleasure. In each case, there is an enlarged comfort zone that causes one to drop one's guard, setting up a perfect opportunity to fail.
1. Most car washes reclaim a portion of their water, making them better for the environment than your at-home wash.
Because it's not CSI with instant forensic results. In the real world, it takes a month or so to get routine stuff processed.
I'm going to just applaud this effort with a useless comment, so I'll be followed.
Good. Because I'm not going to follow some separate RSS feed or anything.
Cam we talk about how that disgusting Rich J. Gawker article's image made its way into my Deadspin RSS feed? That's inexcusable.
I laughed aloud. Clever.
Unless your head has been in the sand all week, yes.
Don't hurt the chair.
This has nothing to do with sports. I voted no.
Cut the PVC pipe in half along the axis, so it'll be possible to attach like a clamshell, then secure with duct tape.
The background doesn't change. It's her chair, not the camera.
Because you can't take a football player from the NFL into a discipline hearing based on just rumor or possibly-altered video off TMZ. You need actual, verifiable facts and original copies of evidence for a hearing on a union contract.
I'm voting no to protest being unapproved and grey.
I should be out of the greys despite having nothing to offer this article.
Matt's kind of liberal, but not an asshole. Don't mistake him for one.
Tip: put an extra entry in your phone as "My lovely wife." The extra syllables helps the voice recognition get it right more often.
Well told.
He was pulled over, not arrested or charged, the article says.
This is really the best advice. Hire a car and driver, or get a reliable friend to do the honors. Even the most sober newlyweds can't think clearly to drove themselves after a wedding or reception, and should have someone drive for them.