
We can ignore the copyright notice and simply pretend that TIE fighters are real, for the sake of enjoying the silly video. No need to ruin it for the people who haven't noticed the fine print. :)

Grey is the new cool color.

You're the guy who tells little children that the Tooth Fairy is not real, aren't you?

Vaccines don't all last for a lifetime. And some people just don't become immune, even with booster shots.

Even with vaccinations and booster shots, some people just won't become immune. It sucks for them.

Thank you for sharing a story that's only related by swelling.

Deadspin HQ is a block from Chinatown and you use Google Translate?

He didn't cause the damage. The TSA and airline personnel did through their overreaction.

That's a fair point, but the reality is that a gun won't fire unless someone does something to make it fire. It's pretty reasonable to have it confiscated and returned at the end of the flight. What's not reasonable is arresting people for their guns.

Reread what I wrote.

Depends if the bomb is armed, obviously. An unarmed bomb is essentially a paperweight.

No one should fined or arrested, nor should any bomb squad be called based on some flippant remark.

There is no more danger in taking a loaded weapon on a plane than there is in taking a cell phone. Danger is not in the object, but in how it's used.

He shouldn't have been fined or arrested, nor should any bomb squad be called based on some flippant remark.

Miley isn't tattooed so heavily that her arms appear black.

You're welcome.

It's a Bollywood music video. The first words, in English, are: "He who walks through the shadow of love..."

Not the greatest, but a very good video.

If you don't see the captions, turn them on. The captioning is in English.

This wasn't about sobriety checkpoints. The researchers were conducting annual surveys of drivers without their consent.