
How can one who plays one of the most interesting and fun heroes of marvel look so damn bored of it all

EA really does not want this game studio to do well?

Love the armor the new knight has

I bet this will get more fanfare and it is revealed that Black Widow and Tracer were lesbian lovers

Thats pretty normal thing to do. Nothing is cooler than seeing railway workers walk with flamethrowers and melt the snow

Hmm makes sense... get rid of the black guy. Smart idea

Why does her hand look so unnatural

Both are tumblr-esque random fun with silly adventures scattered around a “serious” story that is all about love and friendship with so many deus ex plot lines that DC’s Superman is getting envious that he is not that OP

So having opinion is wrong? If you like this show then by the great gods of old I am so happy for you. You know what you like. I respect that. But not every single person have to like same things, this happens to fall on that category.

Shame that the show itself is just adventure time 2.0

Why did you pick Pikachu? I was talking about the human character

I can bet you that this 1st movie will have one of those “is he dead!” moments but now that we know there will be sequel the whole moment falls flat

It would be pretty cool if Blizzard would start expanding WoW with these cards, the world of WoW is pretty empty and they clearly have ideas to go around so they should really take advantage of that

These events are always the times when I stop playing OW, cant get all the skins so I just dont get any of them. Also these chinese skins are just horrible looking

Nooooo.... This has to be a lie! There is only Kojima!

Semi off topic but I can tell you that 99.999999999% of gamers are not the asshole murderers the media makes out them to be. During my +20 years of online gaming I can say that not any of them mean the things they say. I’ve been called fag million times, and about same ammount of times the one saying it has not meant

So... We both got insta ban?

hey its that girl from Sex Education!

To some people gaming is their whole world, they might not have anything else, they want to escape the shitty world and politics to games, its their safe place. A kid who is bullied at school might pop Mario on and he will be greeted as friend to everyone. A man who cant be open with his sexuality can freely be what

So... Its okay to bash others who disagree with you?