
No no, the guy has a point, this article is advertised in gaming sites and it leads here. So if you do not want to hear about politics when you read up on your latest games I 100% see why one would be angry. Little more understanding is needed from both sides, please.

I was excited over Captain Marvel, then I saw the trailer and boy howdy... I can just feel her condescending attidute towards everyone else except her

thats a lot of crack

Or,maybe you are enforcing the poor NPCs into being gay because you want to. Did you ever ask their opinion if the NPCs liked or wanted it?

One huge issue I have with the romantic options in games is that you force them to it, you are basically just coming out there and tossing them around like wet blanket. I wish there would be a game where you could have fail option, you go to the character and, for example, you play as male and he is also male, he will

going to strip clubs does not feel that bad anymore

Now lets see if Destiny3 will be as hot carbage as 1 & 2 were or was it really all just Activisions fault

Pretty cool for fan project

One huge issue modern gaming is that if people just cause enough uproar on twitter then the game devs will cave because it will give them publicity.

Yay? So now I have to start hearing angry gays shoutthat I cant play their hero and I have to choose something else... woppidoo

and if you had wheels you could be wagon

have you seen birdo lately anywhere?

nintendo is against trans people obviously

Now playing

Hate him all you want, but he is YOUR president

its the vocal minority that does this, they shout the loudest from their little caves

Tencent! thats the company I was refering to, thank you for clarifying!

Isnt every major gaming company owned by Nexon in some way? 

The reason why not to buy anything on Day1 these days

Its like this happened already... with a game similar to this...

How the fuck... What the actual fuckery? Is night racist towards white people because everything is black? The more you see racism in everything the more racist YOU are