
Hopefully he gets reimbursed for the snacks at least.

Thank you Fahey for keeping standards high around Kotaku. Instead of lousy clickbait articles, here we have something pure and engaging. Snacktaku is easily becoming my favorite here and I hope we have many more to come!

Well, what if it wasn’t a ripe tomato? Maybe a slightly green one?

I think I’ll give that a go actually. Use a heritage tomato to add some visual appeal, maybe?

Come on man, it wasn’t that bad of a comment.

I think you have the right idea. They must’ve done away with him it to make it more appealing to the locals.

Why not?

Sure it is, just not the one for you.

Heh, that’s alright. You have a rigid view of her that you don’t want changed. Kinda like how as children we view our parents as sort of demi gods, until we catch them fucking of course.

I’d beg to differ on Samus. Seeing what Nintendo has done with her recently, anything else can and certainly will be an improvement.

Yes, yes it can be metroid. You just won’t let yourself see it as being metroid. All that time trudging with her through each and every game, it’s not like she ever talked or even told you who she was or even what. The only thing we really know is she’s tough as nails. The artist’s render of Samus seems to fit the

You’re probably right. But I view democrats as the bigger evil. Republicans a close second, and no one else big enough to count. So, I relate closer to republicans than I do anything else. Which also explains why I haven’t voted for a president the last two terms....

Hey, not all republicans are conservative bigots. Some of us *are* liberal bigots!

When it comes to the price vs value ratio, top tier cards don’t really make much sense in doing SLI. It’s just better to wait for the next generation of cards. Unless of course it’s an absolute need to have the very best. But I’d rather wait for the next gen.

Well, microsoft does keep bragging about the low level access of DirectX12, so maybe?

I don’t see anything wrong with SLI, as long as it’s not about using the latest cards. Only seems viable for cards a couple generations behind.

I thought as much. Seems like it would be an excellent rig for maya or 3ds max.

Did you notice anything from the DDR4 or the CPU? Or were they complete overkill?