
It takes two titans to get 40fps at 4k at ultra in witcher 3? Yeesh.


Is that real?

...Or maybe compare it to a heavy, hairy peach filled with delicious juice inside.

It’s true! Owning a laptop with a webcam has made her quite a bit of dough! Though she does seem to spend an awful lot of time locked in her room making... noises. But it’s still money!

It’s true! Owning a laptop with a webcam has made her quite a bit of dough! Though she does seem to spend an awful

Heh, the hat sold it for me.

Heh, the hat sold it for me.

30 years down the road, will he wish he did something different with his life?

Silly you, women are always a threat, imaginary or real!

An imaginary cigar is more dangerous than an imaginary sexy naked lady? Seeing how you have a kid, I’d beg to differ.

Really depends on your kid and how impressionable he or she is.

Hmmmm.... That actually works pretty well. Thighs are rather large though. Still, I’d buy it.

Good read for the opposite gender?

Good read for the opposite gender?

Also, this was a week after golden week. That’s got to have an effect on purchasing habits.

What? Give the players what they want? Tom, you is crazy!

I doubt I’ll ever think of James Bond the same way again...


Woah... hostile.

Excellent review as always. So glad you’re the one to do it too, unlike a certain someone. (*cough* TRANSFORMERS *cough*)