
(source: YellaCracka@deviantart)

(Source: Yellacracka)

Yep, that’s true. Did some number crunching and you’re right. Also, on further thinking, the next big think isn’t 4k, it’ll be VR. So, whatever will power their systems needs to be able to support two 1080p screens, one for each eye. So, if it takes a nvidia 970 to perfectly master every nuance of 1080p on a pc, what

Well, like I said, really depends on their time frame. Did some number crunching and using rough guesstimate, I’m assuming it will be about 8 years for the price/performance ratio to be cheap enough for 4k. 1080p? Well, 2-3 years. It’ll take the equivalent of an R9 290 to do the same graphic quality at 1080p, which

The time frame of the next console release really depends on 4k though, I think. I doubt Nintendo will jump on the 4k bandwagon, but Microsoft and Sony can’t afford not too. So, I’m thinking that they’ll wait a bit longer for component prices to come down so that they can build their consoles capable of 4k, but not at

Whoops, wrong series. Nvm.

Yeah, they’re generally getting into trouble for *not* removing games and transactions from the market.

Really depends on who’s giving them.

Heh, I honestly can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or not. It’s excellent if it is, but laughable if it ain’t.

Respect isn’t given, it’s earned.

Yes. Yes I am. Does my age intimidate you so much you have to use it as an attempt to insult me?

Whoa there buddy, calling me a twiddler? Dem’s fightin’ words, they are. Of course I didn’t read it. Because it’s still nascar, which is, in my ever not so humble opinion, even more boring than watching video games on espn. Not by much, but it is. Also, you did notice that the pic (vid) of the not Nascar (it’s formula

Now playing

Oh no! He’s making a left turn, and it’s oh so hard to do~!

They don’t like open works designs? Do you mean like open world? Like Skyrim?

At first they had a fairly neutral stance, slightly leaning towards outrage. Now that the staffers see so many of us are cool with it, they changed directions. Oh the fickle life of blogs. trying to convince a golden retriever that the word “inedible” exists for a reason ...

Publishers: pay attention to this fellow! This is gold in the making!

Nascar might be even simpler than a video game.

Oh, you didn’t hear? It was going to be a thing, but when it came to the focus group...