Might be time to for Kotaku to do another re-review?
Might be time to for Kotaku to do another re-review?
That’d be grand if he could. Be awesome if he could steal the show just like Heath Ledger did!
So that’s what happens when Zsasz and the Joker are mixed...
We pay for DLC, why not pay for Mods?
The video says “offline” for me.
Press ctrl +f, type in emulator and you’ll find something fairly important.
An excellent place to start figuring out your budget.
Huh, seeing my current configuration, I’m not sure if having a large vagina is a compliment or not. I’ll have to ask my BF and see what he thinks ;)
Oh, I was comparing price to the consoles exclusively. Wasn’t comparing the price of the phones to the console. That’d be silly.
Yep, still waiting for bloodborne and fables 2...
Chaos theory!? Why!? Nooooooooo!
What? Hold on, you can still game with mac. Especially now with the inclusion of the Intel Iris Pro GPUs coming embedded into apple products. In fact, soon it’ll be even easier to game on Apples since every apple machine will said technology embedded. As for a video card costing more than a ps4, it only costs that…
No one... not a single person, gives a shit what you play games on. No one gives a shit about one Kinect, much less about how you can run two with your bootleg of Maya. It just doesn’t matter.
This is probably going to be the norm until ps5 and xboxtwo comes about. Then everyone will switch opinions when the game consoles outsell the pcs.
Plus, wasn’t the Amiga more popular than PCs in the 80s for gaming?
Oh, I guess I can’t edit my reply after it’s been starred. Anyways, here:
Removed: Double Post.
I think you’re right. Consoles keep getting more and more complex, and their UIs keeps advancing, while PCs and Apples keep getting simpler and simpler and more intuitive. Or maybe just dumber in Windows 8’s case :P