
Well, most people seem to think it'll be Steam OS. But I'm not convinced of that, since for all anyone knows, it could just be a netbook version of a linux distro with Steam tacked on. It really depends on what they plan on using for permanent data storage.

*Sniff sniff*

That's...actually a pretty good question. It'll probably be linux, since that can be trimmed down to size and doesn't cost to put on this device.

Well, now you've done it. They're gonna get you~!

Because reading is Hard.

Sonic is tantamount to disappointment. Nobody wants to feel hurt again....

Does that man have an extra row of moobs? 0_0

So you use google at home? Funny, I do that all the time. I even google when I'm at work! But just done google at work! Else the bossman might get pissed, I only say that 'cause he hates it when I do it.

The Baby.

Doesn't have to, it's Bruce Lee. The laws of man and reality do not apply.

Flappy Bird: Serious Business.

Thank you for the wonderful image. I must now plunge my brain into draino. brb

Heh, once upon a time, it was the best lossy video codec for small movies. Thank God those days are over.




When AMD and Nvidia fight, we consumers always end up as the winners.

Eh, no point. It's impossible to convince anyone to shut up on the internet due to being anonymous and all that. I'd have an easier time getting Obama to admit he hated Romney's shirt than convince a bunch of people to stop talking on the internet. It's just fruitless.