
Well, I thought Mine was a blast!

Well, hopefully not all of ubisofts games will be so. Though, to be honest, I can't remember the last ubisoft game that wasn't either mediocre or half assed finished.

Or better yet, save some money by just simply handing out copies of the game to public to increase word of mouth appeal. Better to impress the public than impress a couple of game journalists.

...I don't get it.

I refuse to comment here.

"We weren't panicked at any point,"

Dem's fightin' words.

Lies and slander!

Yep, pc fanboys and pirates both like to boast on kotaku. Nothing new there. Doesn't make it any more right though. As for "downloading a rom" being as bad as a brand new game, well, that's about $50 to $60 in difference. Again, doesn't make it anymore right, but it's easier to let pass since it's of such little

So, is it 4k ready then?

Terrible looking as in it looks pixellated or terrible as in you don't agree with looks of it?

The world has so many wonders...and so many things best left un-imagined.

Logically logical, or so logistics logged to me.

...nyek nyek nyek!

Depends on the content. It might have a crap load of high end textures packed into it. Or uncompressed sound. Either or.

Well, it's a gaming site with employees that wants to insure their continued employment. So yeah, it's probably going to be a little condescending.

That is an oddly specific example... did this actually happen?

I say, that sauce smells like stink fish!

Wha? But Scandalously clad women is always right! That is the right way to play, yes?

The Logic... it does nothing. He is seemingly impervious to it.