
I'm good for either. As long as it isn't the jerks from the video.

This is a thing? Wow. I thought this was a joke!

It's strange, but I feel slightly disappointed after watching that.

I think they made Black Mesa just so they could get a job at Valve.


Challenge accepted.

So, did the sega genesis cartridges come with custom chips too?

But think how much better it would look in 4k definition on a pc!

Cheaper: yes. But not $400 cheap though. Not if he wants a good rig.

+1, not because I agree with you, but because that picture is really spot on.

Well, it is IGN. Maybe their game capture device wasn't synched properly?

Ha! My 3dFX Graphx Accelerator is superior! (I think!)

Wait! Look that way! Over there! No, keep going! I'll tell you when to stop!

Well, that escalated rather quickly. How did your comment make so many console users feel insecure so very quickly?

Bookmarked. Thanks :D