
My comment was simply about the game going on RIGHT at that moment, not about the Heat in the past.

I put best in quotes because it depends on how you quantify it. Yes LeBron is doing everything he can to keep his team in it but it's not enough. Wade is playing like crap. But best could also be used to describe the way some of the Spurs players are shutting down everyone but LeBron. It's subjective. In terms

I have never, and will never, understand why people prefer the individual player verses the team mentality. Yes I am all for having the super star, it's fun and exciting and easy to follow. But I will always prefer team games where having x individuals play as one is more impressive. Soccer is one of my favorite

Why is Pitbull representing Brazil? He was born in Miami to Cuban parents. He's not Brazilian...

Greg. Terrific piece. Thank you for writing it. As someone who has always felt that Whitlock's pieces were written to appeal to the person who says things like "i'm not racist but..." I am curious to your thought on if you think a "black grantland" led by Whitlock would actually succeed and be that. Or if instead

Ugh please no. The Kings have been unstoppable all playoffs. It's like watching Ali in his prime, they just keep bobing and weaving, letting their opponents punch themselves out. Everyone thought they were done against the Sharks, nope won 4 straight. Figured they were done down 3-2 against the ducks. Nope. Got

Here's the problem I have with that argument. The horse had 3 weeks off between the Preakness and the Belmont Stakes. It's not like CC had to run an extra race the same day or even the day before. He had 3 weeks off to rest up and practice. Granted, yes he is training during that time, but still it's three weeks

Actually Shelly is just hurting herself with this. Donald sued for $1,000,000,000. If he wins and the indemnity agreement is upheld, he gets $1,000,000,000 from the NBA and the NBA gets its money back from the trust (or realistically they just cut out the middle man and agree to transfer directly. That leaves 1

Yup. They call him a "road agent" which is basically a producer, he helps with storylines, coming up with motivations and is a conduit between talent and upper management.

Unless of course these commenters are pulling the old "I'm not racist but..."

We don't know what mechanisms the NBA has. The NBA's constitution and bi-laws are confidential. Only the league office and owners know. So theoretically he could do it. Realistically it will probably be a fine and suspension

It is not his personal property. He owns the rights to a team HOWEVER there are contracts each team has with the league to participate in the league. Part of that requires owners to not tarnish the image of the league. As they say in the NFL, protect the shield. Silver is well within his rights to do that here and

This is the issue I have with it too. It's really easy when it is not you to say you would not play, but when it is the playoffs and this is what you have been working for all year, you are punishing yourself and not really Sterling.

No love for Pikkon?

You mean Gandalf and Professor X, Sir Ian plays both Gandalf and Magneto :)

Google defines Sport as "an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others for entertainment." There is no question about the amount of physical exertion that goes on in wrestling and they possess the same skills that a professional stuntman has. It's

You mean Taylor Ham (only weird South Jersey people call it Pork Roll) but yea its bullshit

Your point, while good, sort of misses the mark. The data put together is on arrests, not on convictions. So Boobie Gibson may get arrested for domestic violence but then he can afford me and my super lawyer friends and we get him off or plead him out to probation, that doesn't change the arrest number. Similarly

Not true at all. As long as he is suing in a state that recognizes Defamation Per Se, he does not need to prove damages. The statements pertained an allegation of a criminal activity of moral turpitude (rape) one of the four categories of DPS. As such he would just have to prove the elements of defamation.