
I didn't say it was bad: "Not bad though," =p I actually kinda like it, I just can't listen to it for more than 3 minutes though lol.

It probably sees "God" in there so it restricts it.

Now playing

This song gets grating after a while. Not bad though, and compared to the 2nd and 3rd songs in the post this is like the best song ever.

You're joking right? Sabotage is like the best attack against the Geth. I've taken out groups of rocket troopers and pyros with the help of a hacked geth pyro to dish out a bunch of damage and distract the enemies. It works a lot like the Salarian Decoy skill, it just actually does damage for a short amount of time.

I'll take one =o File2ish

I usually don't use my mic, but I actually plugged it in to tell them not to. Either they didn't hear me or they ignored me (and yes my mic was on).

It's a blast for you guys, but when I was on a team with 3 krogan (I was a quarian infiltrator), but I didn't get many kills since the enemies get knocked around (a la I miss my shot due to a melee or carnage) and are killed quickly. I ended up having to be the one reviving everyone too. I mean it's fun to play, but

You should look to see what the Quarian on your team is doing, we use it all the time against Geth (well at least I do and i've seen people do), and if there's a cerberus turret and atlas that's not being touched. Might be that the ones that get hacked get destroyed before you notice the sabotage.

Funny thing is, when I play adept human and I use warp on the enemy my team DOESN'T attack the blue shiny WEAKENED enemy and go for the ones around it (unless it's a geth prime/atlas/banshee/brute). Complete opposite for Sabotage though, it's very annoying.

To everyone who plays Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer:

I usually replay the games I get really into, for gameplay, choices, or I didn't quite understand the story.

I needed a username for Steam and I couldn't think of anything at the time (I was like 12 or 13), I realized I usually had the 2nd file on games (as I am the younger brother), I just added "ish" on the end. I was in to Rurouni Kenshin and some other anime's at the time, almost went with something from one of em (I

I wanna get the Lightning figures from XIII and XIII-2 =/ Was debating over getting Lightning (XIII) or Yuffie when I got my figure, I went with Yuffie since it was like $20 cheaper lol. I need a job lol.

So what nerdy gaming stuff do you have in your house other than your games? I've got a bit of old and new stuff, some going back to when I was in elementary school lol.

I've never really been a fan of board games. Chess was by far my favorite board game (even helped start a chess club in high school, which fell through since no one ever went, including myself lol). I just didn't 'get' board games, classmates were always having fun with the games but I didn't see the fun (playing

Wario World for the Gamecube. I didn't even buy it (my brother did) but it's still the worst purchase ever since every time I look at the gamecube games I see it and not feel like playing anything. At least my brother liked it... kind of... I think... >.>

You'll feel at home with Xenosaga then, it's a traditional JRPG. Some of the voice acting is, well, crappy, but it's a solid game. I really need to beat it and get onto episode 2 and 3 >.<

I really need to get Graces f. So many good games came out that I can't afford it =( Hearing good things about it, so I'm hopeful that it will live up to what people say. So far no Tales game captured me like Symphonia. I beat it like 11 or 12 times since release day lol. But what I'm really excited about is the

You don't really need to 'learn' how to put one together. Think of it like placing different shaped blocks into their respective holes. The CPU can't go into the PCI-e x16 slot just like the square block doesn't fit into the circle hole. You pretty much just buy the parts and insert them where they go, the hardest

"If I were you to" should probably be "If I were you"