
Was about to say that. They've had those bricks for as long as I can remember, one of the old LEGO Technic drag racers had a long one with holes for one of the main pieces.

I never said Legendia was my favorite, I said Tales is my favorite series . Tales of Symphonia is by far my favorite, I'm inclined to say it's my favorite game of all time (11-12 playthroughs if that says anything, only played Abyss and Legendia twice). Chloe Valens is just one of my favorite characters. I'd say it's

I didn't read it =p I just saw it and sighed. I usually only read when the article looks interest interesting.

Depends on the games and the players. I've played matches on Counter Strike where there's a girl on the server with the mic and the guys with mics were saying stuff like in the comic. I've also been on CS servers where a girl got so much hate speech that you could hear her crying on the mic before she left the server

If you have a Wii get Xenoblade Chornicles, I'm 42 hours in and I have a lot of trouble staying away from it.

If Tales is your favorite series, why didn't you mention Legendia? :( It's not the best Tales ever, but at least I thought it was good, Chloe is one of my favorite characters in the series! (plus Legendia has the best music in Tales, and yes Tales is my favorite series too)

Gizmodo is the tech Gawker site, but it has (maybe more than half the time) random stuff that has tech in it, but nothing to do with tech. Kotaku is leaning towards that with things like the Off Kilter posts. I mean you saw that Burger with 1000 slices of bacon post right? Very video game-y indeed.

Ya the combos are a bit hard to remember while playing a match against equally skilled or better opponents, but once you get past the tutorials it becomes much easier to execute combos. I'm using a stock 360 controller to play (as I do with Super Street Fighter 4, I'm not about to invest for a fight stick), so

I haven't really been doing the side quests, and I think the weather is random so maybe just keep changing the time of day? Sorry I can't really help with that =/

Ms. Fortune is by far the hardest character to fight when going against the AI, I had quite a bit of trouble with her on sleepwalk difficulty, while all the rest (save for bloody Marie) were super easy.

Because no other rooms are open at the time probably. I have it on the 360, and I usually make casual rooms and usually get people about as good as me, sometimes those who I can easily beat, but there's always those matches where I get my ass handed to me by a player who clearly isn't a casual or a beginner.

Dunban gets a lot better later on, I didn't like him in the party at first since Shulk did more damage, Reyn held agro, and Sharla main healed. Once he gets his attack that steals agro from another party member (much like Shulk's Shadow Eye, but the hate goes down on the target party member and goes up on Dunban).

Good idea: Free or Reasonably priced DLC with content worth the money.

I never said he was modeled after either. I also disagreed that he was like Rambo. He's "kind of like Bond" as in he (in MGS3's case, Naked Snake) is a special agent working for the government going against the Russians who obtained nuclear weapons during the Cold War (like Bond but not so fancy and gadgety, Eva would


The Metal Gear series is great (especially MGS3, one of my all time favorites), but Kojima couldn't really do a Bond game. Snake is kind of like Bond, but as The Sentient Meat said, he's a gruff badass (wouldn't say Rambo though).

It will probably get here eventually, it's probably taking forever to phase out all the older credit cards due to population size. And ya the party does sound like it sucks =/ I'm sure all the new cards have a chip in them by now here (I don't have a credit card yet, gotta get a job first XP).

So who else plays Xenoblade Chronicles!?

Huh, never had that happen where I live (in the midwest US). All the restaurants I've been to lately still just give you the check and black book and yada yada yada. Maybe you can just get a card without a chip? Or go with a debit card or cash to pay.

Ya the weapons were pretty great. I gave up on the single player though, I probably got to like the 4th or 5th level and quit the single player. My brother got near the end though, then I think our memory pack corrupted lol.