
My personal experience is that vision change with age, so improvements from laser surgery may not be that long lasting. I was moderately nearsighted for a long time until several years ago, when I noticed that I had better vision (both near and far) without contacts, so I ditched the contacts. Recently I started using

The ending of Philadelphia. At the time HIV/AIDS was not very talked about, it was a death sentence but always to people one did not know. I remember watching it on rented VHS and letting the credits roll and end, in shock, unable to stand up and pop the cassette.

Aaand... there goes my hypothetical vacation. Now I have to (re)watch at least the top 20.

NASA logo? Nasa uses rockets, don’t they? Rockets can be used as missiles! ARREST HIM BEFORE HE LAUNCHES!

Do real-life bombs have digital readout, or this is so only in movies?

“... the police found a pencil, A PENCIL! that could be used to stab schoolmates” /sarcasm.

Wouln’t it be easier if Apple put a RGB notification LED? In fact every phone manufacturer should (I have a Samsung phone and it doesn’t have a LED either).

And AOSP in general, I think. At least it works in my ancient Samsung i9100 with Lollipop Resurrection Remix 5.1.1

Isn’t it ironic that the screenshots used to praise this android dialer feature shows the dialer dialing an Apple store???

Talk about a invention looking for a problem.

On the other hand, “Mockinbird lane” could have been a very good, darker humor reboot of “The Munsters”. Which got axed, of course.

I am yet to try Cortana because it does not work yet in my region, but I can’t imagine how would it work in a cubicle farm, or even a smaller office shared with chatty coworkers.

Often surrounded by chatty coworkers, sometimes I am too desperate to worry about the “graceful” part. In those occasions that I am no longer keeping eye contact, I suddenly say “Oh, you are still talking? I was so bored that my mind was some place else”, then I laugh and say “I have to go”. Most of the times the

Bad idea (I’m currently reading the novel Seveneves, in which just that happens)

I almost freaked out when I read “The ESA’s New Head Just Dropped a Proposal to Build ...” and saw the drawing of an toroidal space city. Not that I wouldn’t like a moon city.

I’m going to go with the Enterprise NX-01 for its believable nuts-and-bolts-and-warp-plasma look (honorable mention: Serenity), in contrast with, say NCC-1701-D luxury hotel quasi-magical-gadgets-everywhere look.

Too last-decade. Now is Thirty Seconds to Pluto.
/obvious joke

I can see two very faint dots to the left of both Charon and Pluto (I saw three, but the third was a spec on my screen). Are those background stars, smaller moons or image processing artifacts?

I’m not sure of the need to calculate the sun’s position from astronomic data, can’t the system track the real Sun? It’s tight there, the bright thing in the sky.

Is nice to have an email “on hold” to get your attention again later ... but what I would find useful is received by the destination server and read/shown on screen statuses (we already have sent status), just like double gray check and double blue check in Whatsapp.