
When I was two weeks old I thought "I like this 'sleeping during the day' thing, maybe I will keep doing it". More than 50 years later, I am still doing it. I napped during my years in grade school, during high school, during college, during my first and second jobs, and I regulary nap 30 to 40 minutes each day at

Thank you for your suggestion Cass, I wasn't aware that one could share MyTrack data. I will try it.

Caution: Sarlacc

Judging from Google's recent history, they are going to wait some months for people to stop complaining, some more months for people to integrate gmail tabs with their cyber-lives.... and then kill the tabs a la Latitude ("Now with cleaner, more modern interface, and less functionality").

The ending was obvious (at least to me) from the middle of the book, no spoiler needed....

Why are Down children so beautiful? They are always smiling...

As far as I know, MCP is Windows only. That's a dealbreaker for me, since I have XP, 7 and Ubuntu at home, 7 and OSX at work, all running VLC, all with my preferences, settings and hotkeys in sync via Dropbox.

Aesthetically pleasing, but otherwise SUCKS!

At the risk of sounding cynical, money talks. Money IS talking in this issue. Maybe regrettably, but fortunatelly something talks louder than speeches about equality, non-discrimination and human rights.
It should not be viewed as some sort of punishment against the fine people that worked in this movie, any

I hear you! Some years ago my own brother called me to ask why didn't I tell him that after 40, one blinks and it's already 41! And I remember wathing the moon landings live...


It's all very nice and clean, but... no more Latitude??
Google says Latitude functionality has been integrated into "Location sharing" in Google+, which I think it's a mistake: G+ is getting bloated, and it is faster to just start the Latitude app on the phone (which started Maps with Latitude active) or go to the

Works GREAT with lighning! I have been able to measure the distance between me and the discharge easily (using the VirtualDub video editor), since both flash and thunder are recorded.

My best firework pictures are frames extracted from a 1080 video with focus lock at infinity. Not a great resolution for pictures, but beats 8MP pictures half a second late due to software lag.

Belief in extraterrestrial life is backed by science and statistics, hence in principle can eventually be proven.

That is in fact one of my theories.

The reflected sunlight may push the star away, but Newton would push faster the presumably much less massive mirror. Ok, both objects would keep moving, but the mirror would end up being a missile with the opposite heading (and it may be worse if it is rigged to self destruct).

I was thinking on the same lines. More than 40 years later, our new ship is going to be the same as the old ship, only barely bigger? By now we should have something like "2001: Space oddysey" Discovery, we have most of the technology (except HAL9000's and the money).

Why the videos in an article explaining improvements to YouTube are served by Vimeo?

Mud? Dog poop is what first came to my mind!