
No, you are not the only one. I don't know how old are you, but I think that anyone alive and aware in the late 70s and early 80s knew who was who of the Steves. They remind me of Edison/Tesla (only that Woz enjoys life more than Tesla did)

Looking forward to that (even if I cried "aw c'mon!" at the hacking-with-a-mac scenes). I always wanted to find out what did we do with the millions of alien corpses (and survivors), and how did we cleaned the kilometers tall spaceship that fell on our cities.

I think this is precisely the plot of the novel "Tau zero" by Poul Anderson. Good read.

This is so obvious that it shouldn't need a demonstration... but I guess the demonstration do convince the unconvinced. And it is cool to watch anyway.

I think I was born loving SF. "Lost in space" when it was first aired, maybe?

I was just tightening my privacy settings when it happened. I think I broke facebook.

NONE OF THE ABOVE. There are a lot of better plots out there, both situations that were left open ended and situations that were never used in the series. If you must revisit a villain, then use a non humanoid one... The doomsday machine? The people that sent Gary 7? (no, we have already too much time travel). Be

And both can be made into trilogies (if well adapted). Also Asimov's "The end of eternity", or Clarke's "The fountains of paradise"

"World of Ptavs". It's kind of an origin story of the known space series, and have ideas, science, and action. Almost no work needed to turn it into a script.

Waze + Farmville (or Mafia Wars)...? No thanks.

Jar Jar Abrahams is pushing the Star Trek franchise into darkness, turning it into just another popcorn/explosions/rayguns franchise. I can't wait to see our Jedi cousins foaming at their mouths with Star Wars: Jersey Shore.

I'm glad this klingon ship didn't make the movie. With those fins and spikes it reminded me of the Narada from the 2009 movie (I haven't seen STID yet). What possible function could serve those kilometer long spikes? It is a mining ship, it should have machinery and storage that calls for internal space... not long,

Yes, that is what was being referred to, but saying "ionized electron" is like saying "moistened water". Ok ok, I nitpick. I have a nerdgasm of my own to attend...

"After zapping the atom with laser pulses, ionized electrons escaped and..."

No Tyrion Lannister jokes yet?

In fact someone tried and got as far as the pilot. To my knowledge it was never aired, much less made a whole series (which is a pity). Seemed like the premise was more believable... how come Douglas and Tony ALWAYS ended up in the middle of famous events and never in a boring year?. Also always in the past.

Sometimes I wish they offer 120p...

That diagram does not seem to be at scale. As I recall, the original Enterprise had two rows of Windows along the rim of the saucer section... and so does the rebooted Enterprise (although the latter's floors seem to be higher), but often the rebooted is drawn about twice the thickness (hence overall size) of the

Re: The Drowned Church of Potosi
"The town of Táchira, Venezuela, was...". Táchira is the state, not the town. Potosí is (was?) the town. This is like saying "The town of Florida, USA"

Weird: I did get that extra zoom level over my house, but when I drag the view with the cursor, it reverts back to the "legal" zoom.