Fighting Artichoke

I love Deadspin, but they really need to eat crow on this one, lest they eat some of their own medicine about verifying a story before running with it...…

Russell Westbrook's shot numbers are going to look like they come from a video game.

He's the new human suplex machine, apparently.

Unless he's in jail he'll be drafted even with the baggage, and likely in the first three rounds whenever he decides to declare.

So if sexual assault isn't "horrific" and "inhumane", exactly what is?

Look on the bright side- it's another opportunity for Darren Rovell to humiliate himself at the expense of a high school kid.

Philly's own... Birds of War.

Accept no substitutes!

Uphill is painful, but runners don't typically hurt themselves heading that direction- especially on trail.

And as a representative of Saint Louis? Shameful!

Yanking defeat from victory by shortin' Kerley.

"Son, when I said 'play ball' a couple hours ago, that isn't what I meant"

So, Barkley is rationalizing this by explaining that social practices he saw in the south 50 years ago should be used in figuring out whether something is acceptable today? That might get awful in a hurry.

Baltimore is the new Happy Valley. Fuck- I nearly went blind in the first 10 comments.

Yeah, because the barometer of character is set by Super Bowl rings.

I'm sorry, remind me when racism and misogyny were in vogue.

Apparently they are athletes, since one of them obviously held you down against your will and forced you to read this.

Well put. I was rooting for him but I have no problem with the Rams cutting him. They gave him a chance. Teams have preseason film on him. He may yet find a team.

Nope. No other stories about cut players... Only Michael Sam got a story.

Because uh... a little grab-ass between teammates in the shower, while not gay, is part of the culture we as fans just don't understand?