Fighting Artichoke

I love the fact that despite his attempts to make a name for himself he's still got just roughly 60 twitter followers. Let's hope it stays that way.

Forgiven by whom? By the family of Declan Sullivan? By the parents of Lizzy Seeburg? Notre Dame lost its luster of being above other college football programs in terms of they way they played and they way they operated roughly a half-century ago. They're essentially just like every other program, albeit with a

He's asking his nephew to explain the current product, but is now attempting to cite recent writing from Meltzer to make his points. Hmmm...

Now playing

You genuinely have no idea what my tastes in the product are, but we sure as shit know that you're (1) an antiquated fuckstick that can't afford $10 a month (2) that seems to romanticize an entire era and organization (3) based on a couple of 5-star performances (4)that had you hanging on for months on end watching

$49.95 a PPV? Jesus. You really are an idiot. The WWE Network provides every new PPV, as well as on-demand high quality streams of the Steamboat/Flair matches your broke ass watches on Betamax and 240p YouTube. $10 a month. Get a job.

"Produce a product where titles mean nothing and pay per view's are the only place to see any matches of value? Check."

Philadelphia Sandwich Company, obv. :)

Bravo. +1.

This is the coach of a team whose most intense display during his tenure is losing their shit about the Dodgers peeing in their pool. The DBacks are a joke right now.

Coupled with his nonchalant exit from the mound, he knew exactly what he was doing.

His max deal IS guaranteed, just like Derrick Rose's is. In fact, he signed his deal under the Rose rule. Terrible writing aside, he was right, and you don't know how NBA salaries work.

I love this so hard.

I haven't seen an NBA player broke that badly in Vegas since Antoine Walker.

Maybe, but they may just be ahead of the curve. While you might be right, it's also good as it affords protection for the players.

Actually, funny you mention USC as an example, as they just installed full 4-year scholarships for football and basketball, rather than single year renewable scholarships.

It's totally worth it. I'm currently working my way through the old NWA Clash cards and the Legends of Wrestling roundtables, not to mention that you get the PPV's. The full library plus new product for $10 a month. I don't understand how the network isn't succeeding.

That article link said Buff Bagwell's wife is named Judy... I know he and his mother have a well publicized strange relationship, but...?

Loved the attitude era... but a lot of it didn't hold up well... Embalming Steve Austin, anyone?

And the governor that caused this was later impeached... but yeah, states like Texas and Florida are known for their immaculate records regarding race, and that's why they get Super Bowls, right?