Fighting Artichoke

Anyone else catch this?

Why'd the guy give it away? There's still plenty of meat on that ball. Now you take it home, throw it in a pot, add some broth, a potato...Baby you got a stew going!

Walking around naked and shrugging his shoulders? Nope. That's definitely Conte.

But he's a HOF player that led the league in Rebounding 7 times. This is the problem with being a pedant- you usually end up looking like a fool. Marginalizing him by calling him a "two-time all star" is just idiotic. Do you refer to Ty Cobb as a "One time home-run champ" too?

Yes, Dennis Rodman only made two all-star game appearances...

I was always partial to his work with Fleetwood Mac myself.

Indeed. 3:07 with minimal training?

Yet you can't craft a sentence on here without cussing like a 12 year old when mom isn't around? Nope. You're trash wrapping itself in a blanket of piety.

This times lots. She can somehow control her words in a moment of rage, yet can craft that response but not do it without the F word?

Never used a slur at all? Ever? You're full of crap.

58 amateur player deaths attributed to overheating from 1994-2009 enough actual data for you?

You assume he has an office job?

Wow. Not only history stupid, but hockey stupid to boot.

Same here... and now I've been exposed to the "Lorde age truthers" movement.


It sounds like he grew up extremely privileged. That's not a shock

"You normies just love any opportunity to drag our name through the mud and call us murderers, don't you?"

He made a decision long ago that he was going to blame someone else for his discomfort. When he says that he's never even kissed a girl, yet somehow feels he has the whole sphere of expectations regarding social interaction all figured out, that was pretty much a sign that he's ignorant, willing to stay that way, and

"A women can it sex anytime she wants. All she has to do is go down to the bar and she can get whatever she wants. But for shy guys getting it is harder than climbing Mount Everest."

">you'd be flooded with advice and support from Jezebel members