"Maybe we as a society should look into female hypergamy and shaming behaviour and try to correct these problems before something like this happens again."
"Maybe we as a society should look into female hypergamy and shaming behaviour and try to correct these problems before something like this happens again."
Would the son's tweet possibly give insight that there was something personal involved? Maybe the elder Klinsmann had talked Donovan down at home or something.
I thought that was the tipping point against Rome, and that Evans answered perfectly.
This was way more of an indictment of Rome than Evans - in fact, I think Evans' response about his monster game against Alabama was perfect.
Needs more love. +1.
Hundreds of registered commenters got it. Don't be mad at us or him because you didn't.
At this point, why would anyone want to become a referee/umpire for youth sports? It's got to be one of the more thankless jobs you can do.
Mitch should stop acting this way, or he may end up with a nickname that implies a lack of control.
You didn't hit a nerve, instead you missed the bus.
I know marijuana isn't addictive, but this is what, his FOURTH drug incident dating back to college? Put the weed down, son! Play some ball, and in a few years do all you want. For now? QUIT SMOKING, DOPE.
You're just a hater. When the Browns are in 1th place let's see you run your mouth then!
Vodka Tonic?
If you run ANY races and haven't seen someone else wearing Vibrams, you aren't looking very hard or you're in outright denial.
Plus it gave us Machete.
Wow. You're either trolling or all sorts of hockey stupid.
Talons? Where do you get talons?
People that hold the attitude era in impossibly high regard should go back and watch it again. It was fun for the time, but ME storylines like Undertaker attempting to embalm Stone Cold don't exactly stand the test of time.
Yeah, but what happens to those poor Ivy and Johns Hopkins kids that don't make it to the professional level?
No, he was "chastised" for turning a blind eye and allowing Sandusky to operate a rape farm for years under the guise of charity.
Sure- except for the part where he was fined $2.73 million regarding discrimination claims and paid $5 million in court costs.