Fighting Artichoke

::looks at Springarn medal and shrugs::

Save your pity for yourself. I'm not the pathetic fool railing against a joke hundreds of registered users found humorous.

It's so hilarious to see that this all spring from your furiousness that hundreds of people liked a joke you simply didn't understand.

Oh he hit it all right - the fact that you utterly lacked any comprehension this entire conversation and have come across ad a bigger and bigger embarrassment the further we go. Your idiotic baby-talk explanation? It means you didn't do a very good job of trying to make a salient point to begin with, (to use your

I was just citing sources.

You doubled-down despite not getting the joke and lost. Time to walk away from the table.

No, you just didn't get it, and you keep

I love Kip Litton references.

Noah HAS changed- drastically. His first season and a half in the NBA he was floundering badly. Sometime in early 2009 the light switch came on and he's become a completely different player.

-Threatening battery
-Possession of a hoax explosive device
-Threats to commit a crime
-Disturbing the peace
-Disturbing a public assembly
-Disorderly conduct.

Thanks for flushing out the pedants.

So are you trolling and stupid, or merely just stupid?

"The Knee That Beats People" needs to be the official name for that move.


His final days were laid out for the world to see, after years of being away. People will be scouring them for clues for a long, long time. This is quite surreal.


WWE prognosticator and former Deadspin subject Dolphins 1925 is having a meltdown on Twitter during WrestleMania. Apparently his "inside source" has been alternating between feeding him incorrect information and going dark.