That's amazing.
That's amazing.
I gave describing "Arizona Bro" a shot... under Phoenix/Scottsdale Bro.
Uniform: A|X t-shirt, True Religions, and garishly-colored Pumas, as that inexplicably passes for "acceptable business wear" in Arizona.
Job: Sales, probably for an internet-based venture.
Intoxicant of choice: Vodka and soda, bookended by shots of Fireball.
Hobbies: Frequenting the clubs of Old Town in the $30,000 used…
So damn good.
Awesome. +1.
He's slated to be at tomorrow's spring training game. Maybe I can take a pic of him and Ronnie Woo Woo together, print it out, and burn it.
She's in the crazy team photo, but her decision to buck party line and ensure ACA implementation in Arizona was a shocker.
She can't be reelected. Term limits.
As someone that has lived and worked in a red district in Arizona for 9 years, it's strange. I have yet to encounter a single person that is willing to say he or she supports this law. Heck, even three of the state senators that voted for this are now asking Brewer to veto it.
Well, of course you don't work that day. That's NFL Football day.
You don't care? So?
Actually, you couldn't be more wrong. "Tolerant" players and fans DO give a shit, and they're happy about this, vocally or silently.
Well, at least it was harder for the nutjobs to get in here than into the press conference.
Sometimes low hanging fruit is still delicious.
Ed Hardy? So you haven't stepped foot in Scottsdale since what, 2007?
I use to follow that page but had to stop - it made me crazy.
Actually, it's flat-out shaming, and most of the above accounts have been deleted or suspended already. I'm sure that it looks good to potential employers when they do a random google search and this article comes up associated with them.
Even with Deng and a healthy Rose this was a treadmill team, just a prettier one. This is an attempt to rebuild on the fly while Rose is on the shelf rather than GarPax blowing it up.
It looks like they're going to have some decent cap to play with in the offseason if they amnesty Boozer, and with that in mind trading…
You realize the Bulls weren't going to win the East the way they were built, right?