Fighting Artichoke

Good job. Now go correct some grammar on another Gawker site so you can check off another box on the "Things I live for" list.

Anytime "lewdness" is a characteristic of a crime (streaking, public urination, etc.), the sex offender registry is up for consideration. It does sound absurd, but I don't think I've actually heard of anyone being added to it for "lesser crimes" like these.

The NBA DID have enforcers in the dark days of the 1970's, back when half the league was drawing less than 10,000 a game and broadcasts were on tape delay. I'm sure they'd love the thought of returning to that. Rudy Tomjanovich would be first in line.

I'm so confused. I have no idea what that is, yet I've been staring at it and laughing for 5 minutes. I can't stop...

Now playing

This is just the culmination of their long courtship.

I met him last week at a preview screening - he's 5'6" maybe 5'7". I assumed there was some "Hollywood magic" in making him look as imposing as he does, but I figured he would have been at least "average" height - 5'10", 5'11" at the very least.

It's just as well that Kingman doesn't have anything worth watching in this afternoon. The town's commerce spikes about that time as people from the Phoenix West Valley start clogging 93 when they head back home from Vegas after the weekend.

I feel kind of flattered that you came out of retirement simply to share that.

Now playing

And to nobody's surprise, Brent was ALL over it :20 seconds in...

Yeah, but I think most of us resigned ourselves a decade ago that Rashida was way out of our league.

According to everyone, yeah... but my football follows got real interesting for a minute or five.

Was Vandermeer Hacked?

@MattBowen41. He's the Steve Stone of football - I can feel myself getting smarter when I listen to and read his work.

The Iron Sheik's twitter was one of those things that was really funny the first couple times, but it was just more and more and more of the same until there wasn't any more dead horse left to beat.

I agree that he's probably got one more run in him, but I don't think it'll be with the Cubs. Theo and Hoyer would lose their minds.

Pitino just found out the hard way that treatment in a Boston Market pales in comparison to the service he got at Porcini's.

I really liked the darker-blue Blueberry Pomegranate G2, but it has been missing from my local Kroeger for months.

It's because my alma mater has been stereotyped as having been a haven for dumb decisions, but I had deleted that part of the comment shortly after posting it after deciding it wasn't really germane to the matter at hand.

The Laramie Project has been staged at many college campuses for years. This is the first I've heard of a performance interrupted by heckling athletes, so yeah, you're about ENTIRELY wrong.

You're not the only one.