Fighting Artichoke

In Arizona, the Range Rover driver (most likely a North Scottsdale resident whose shooting experience is limited to the Gun Club on Raintree) encountering 200+ bikers with a single gun in tow ends with at least one dead Range Rover driver, one widow, and one orphaned two year-old child.

Awfully presumptive that in a crowd of hundreds of bikers that

Considering that this doesn't happen I'm just going to slide over to the "You don't know shit about shit" side of things.

I really wish you were joking.

The rationale for dinging "Once Brothers" is silly. That was an amazing, emotional film and should be top-3. Who cares who produced it?

Would that I could, but can't so I don't. I figure the world is a better place for it.

Ah, the clarity that comes with discovering you're a glass of rosé with a Beam chaser.

"CAUK Amateurs"? I figured they'd be dishing out something entirely different.

I'm not saying that those people don't exist. I'm saying that they're VERY unusual.

You're so full of crap it's insane.

Someone that is running a 1:30 half is almost assuredly capable of sub 20 5K's and sub 5:30 miles. Several people in my training circle fit that bill (I definitely don't). Outside of people that run on a competitive basis, people like that don't grow on trees. One of my good friends ran clocked a 1:31 at RnR AZ. That

You know plenty of "Sub-70 Half guys?" as in sub-70 minutes? Is your circle of friends entirely Kenyan?

Some people just don't like the accumulated mileage that comes with training for regular 26.2's.

You can run a 1:30 without really training.

Yeah, but then you have to start serving various steaks made from ground beef at the concession stands. A big mess all around.

I'll take "once unthinkable phrases" for $1,000, Alex.

That's the essence right there. +1.


It looks like yours timestamped right before mine. I defer to you here :)

That doesn't sound like the Volunteer way.