
@Mit: This is exactly what I was thinking, people are making this out to be the second-coming of Jesus, when all Bungie's done is give you the option of clipping items, and improved the draw distance.

@ghostxlix: "Bungie yet again proves why they stand head and shoulders above other developers when it comes to community support."

"What I can tell you is that if there was a Gear 3 it'll be a total disco town: purples, pinks and greens everywhere!"

To those who are bringing up their longing for the games back in the states - give it up, and enjoy the games as they are today. The series is dead and we've finally got the entire trilogy in English. Nintendo isn't interested in tailoring to a very select fanbase. There are less than 30,000 Mother fans in the US,

@NoelVeiga: The same people who complain about sailing aren't able to appreciate the outstanding music (definitely the best overworld :D), and beautiful horizon - they just want to race to the next dungeon already.

This giant Mr. Saturn has been making it's rounds for a few months now - and 1101 has announced that the second wave of collectible Mother figurines will be hitting Japanese arcades soon, this batch featuring Ninten, Ana and Teddy.

I actually put his words to the test and wrapped my 3GS tightly in my hands - 5 bars to 2 in the course of 10 seconds.

Cheap, you say?

My only beef with Growl is that there's no native support for 99% of my applications.

I thought this was about the Frontier Justice...

@healthycheekums: I loved the N64 controller for some reason, but beyond that, I'd have to say the WaveBird for the Gamecube. It was ugly as hell, but it did it's job perfectly - it would melt around your hands, was wireless (in an age where that was rare), was very light, and had the exact same button configuration

Most games simply need buttons.

@Pojodin: There's an extremely large chance that he was playing the already dumped rom on a sort of NES flashcart, but this could be huge if it's one of the prototypes.

Of course it's cached by BING of all search engines. Of course.

@Cairnage: Maybe renew gift certificates?

Left picture - right woman - right leg - a thigh is missing...

I went into the post telling myself that I was positive there would be a negative comment on the iPhone 4's antenna.