
"It will have the most amount of zombies from a zombie game in that genre"


@Platypus Man: Same, doing barrel rolls (not making a joke here, believe me) felt really natural, sliding back and forth to evade, all while maintaining control of your ship.

@W10002: Grr.... It's Advance people, not Advanced.

@Mr. S.: My thoughts exactly. In E3 tradition, I recorded the show, took my exams, ran home and started it from the beginning, watching everything unfold piece by piece. I wasn't a fan of Kid Icarus on the NES, but Sakurai will make it great. So many 2D platformers though, for Wii even! Still looking forward to

@Killer Toilet: This isn't a tech demo. It's screenshots of a 3DS game in development, as are the rest of the games featured. I think the submarine one (Steel something or other?) is the only tech demo, but these are on Nintendo's lineup launch list.

@bakagaijin: "Best console experience", PC versions are always superior with Valve games.

What about those of us with the developer seed of 10.6.4? How do we update?

@tyler.derden: For me, its the security of Windows 7, but my xbox's reliability comes in a close second. ^_^

@Foxhack: Boy, did you miss out.

It would suck to be the guy who has to listen to a terabyte of whale noises.

Grargh. Games pirated =/= sales lost. People pirate pokemon because there's no way in hell they'd be caught buying it.

@Sir Gibler: Ah, no. I've got the 4.0 GM, but I'm registered. Haven't noticed anything different either, from Beta 4.

@Mark 2000: It'll install and boot and everything, and as you throw that lock switch, ready to open the gates to the brand new landmark OS, it'll tell you that you call only use it for emergency calling (essentially, in an unactivated state).

@Mark 2000: Yup, you need to have your UDID registered. Which actually, isn't terribly hard, just find a nice developer to do it for you.

@Ben Longo: Because I've already gotten used to recognizing the term with two other things,

@mind in rewind: Apparently I can't. Despite buying it only a few months later, I can't upgrade until May 2011?