
He's implying that Wii Fit Plus and Wii Sports Resort are better than the games he made ten years ago.

Do we ban pharmacies because assholes overdose on riddlin? No, this device turns the DS into a featured media player, and let's me test out and develop my own homebrew by importing .nds files. Don't go after the manufacturers, as they're in their right to make the cart itself, and it's no use going after the

@AV-WAVE: You could always change the battle mode from shift, but it does just that, make the battles really bland.

Gears is a good franchise, but they got caught up with the lowly MW2 and Halo crowd with gears 2. Instead of making a game for the fans, playing Gears 1 years after release (which is still really fun if you can find some people to play with you), they made a huge hollywood blockbuster type game, introducing tons of

Pokemon's not an "old" franchise, and they don't need to try and make it "new" again, but they could make a few improvements. Faster battles, (we only have such great attention spans, maybe select your next moves while the battle is going) and more music, I don't see why they can only have one wild pokemon battle

@Smorlock: They really seem to be taking a page out of modder's handbooks recently, so this doesn't seem very unlikely. After Shiny Gold for the GBA, (which is awesome, by the way, please google it if you haven't) was almost at v1.0, Nintendo announced Heart Gold. They are Rocket based mods of Firered and a lot of

@dd528: Close, but no.

Bon voyage, amigo

By biggest problem is that this is not handheld. The DS fat was huge, and flipping it out, (doubling its size) wasn't ideal or comfortable. The DS Lite was a baby step in the right direction, and the DSi and now XL are far too large to play comfortably. This thing's meant to be played on a table, with people

And going back further, 2007 may have been one of the best years for gaming. Nintendo aught to stop making hardware, and just focus on making more great games.

Kudos for thinking outside of the box and all, but my heart rate doesn't go up when I see a few more enemies on screen. I'm guessing this is supposed to be used primarily for sports titles, and stuff like Wii Fit 3, where you do some exercises then throw your finger in there and it'll assess how you're doing.

@dmcshinobi: Don't make me think about it!!! In the next 30-40 years, all my gaming icons will be gone ;(. Itoi, Miyamoto, Sakai, Kondo are all in the later stages of their life... This sucks.

Dear Kotaku,

@legendnthemaking: The stepfather owns a gun and a kid, so he should go to jail? How could you say that without turning this into a gun debate?

YYEEEEEEEEEEEESSS!!!! April seems so far away, but I can then delete my windows partition, and won't have to repurchase my games!!

@arionfrost: No. We're comparing Apples and Microsofts.

@Nahir: After Effects runs faster on OSX.

Soooo excited! I can get rid of my Windows partition! Huzzah!

@KamikazeSim: Better yet, import the gold and platinum soundtracks from the west and listen to them until your ears run out of juice

This is one I'll have to play on my PC. After seeing those screens in glorious 720p there's no way I'm playing it on my weak little Wii.