
@Turael: Will you marry me?

Windwaker's your favorite game of all time?

@FiestyPanda: And stop saying "cyber" all the time.

This is not an issue. Are bridges an issue because people can jump off of them?

@TylDurden: I was about to say, am I the only one who remembers this game being just mediocre?

Anyone else just follow the link to see the magazine cover?

DSi XL: A bigger DSi. No new surprises. Hell, at least the iPad has way better specs, a thriving community (i've written my first iPad app already), and some new features. The DSi XL is simply bigger. Do you guys think Nintendo even realizes how lame their products are anymore? (I'm talking about hardware, while

Zelda TP Models + Stiff Animation Caps = Bad

Natal takes 1/6 of processing power, Wii has 1/6 the processing power of the xbox (tri vs single core). If the Wii can't handle 4 player online Mario, I don't think it could handle natal.

I like games being my own sub culture niche. People are tuning to games much more than before, but it just gives you many more pumped for Guitar Hero 6, and not Galaxy 2 or Other M, etc.

"...will be soon released for the iPod and iPod Touch"?

I NEED MONEY!!!! I sold my DS Lite and R4, and out of shame I don't think I could bear to buy a 4th DS (DS Phat on day 1, DS Lite (White), DS Lite (Crimson/Red), and now a DSi). So I need $70 to pay back my bro, $140 to buy a magic mouse and apple keyboard, because OSX doesn't play nice with 2002 Windows mice and

The best way to combat piracy right here. I regret downloading it already.

You've made me a very happy man with Mother 3 and Gears on the list.

@SketchyLogic: True, but neglecting the people who want their portable console to be portable isn't. The DS Lite or DSi is already too big in my opinion, it's 4x bigger and heavier than my GameBoy Micro, and how the hell are you supposed to comfortably hold it up with one hand while tapping around with the other for

@1up: Let you do this while waiting to respawn as special infected, or just take the first person view of any normal infected and try to get a hit in before you spawn, because 25 seconds, no matter how you look at it, it a bit too long to wait.

@maraxusofk: Get a 360 Wireless Gaming Receiver. Best $20 I've ever spent, let's me play, Gamecube, N64, SNES, etc. emulators on my macbook, via HDMI to my TV in full 3D 1080p (yes, I'm one of the wackos who has one already). So in short, I use my 360 controller (with the bumpers usually assigned to speed hacks), to

I know I saw desktop sized versions of these beforehand, anyone have a link?

As much as I love Gears, its nauseous enough in 2D, especially roadie-running. Good god...