While I sort of get your sentiment, I appreciate any and all genuine public shows of alliance and outrage, especially from men who aren't misogynists.
While I sort of get your sentiment, I appreciate any and all genuine public shows of alliance and outrage, especially from men who aren't misogynists.
Holy shit. While I would have preferred that it didn't involve all the fat insults, that was amazing. It was so reassuring to see such an overwhelming reaction of "that is not okay" coming from the audience after the initial rape comments.
“Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.'”
― Isaac Asimov
I would bang him like a screen door in a hurricane. Also, somewhat related, has anyone else noticed the Shaun White looks super fucking weird now?
Now that Plushenko has completed his Olympic career he can begin touring for Magic Mike on Ice
HAHA OMG Do not stop watching midway because you will miss the PANTS.
Oh lawd, this is why I love the French so much. "They have not been lovey dovey in photos, which means HE IS A MAN WITH MAN NEEDS WHO IS FULFILLING THEM WITH BEYONCE! NATURELLEMENT"
I am offering $10,000 for unretouched photos of Margot Robbie's legs.
...I found the idea so ludicrous I didn't give it a second thought.
Having never been accused of child molestation by any child, let along my own child, I can only speculate on how I would react. However, in my speculation it is incredibly unlikely that I would react by not giving it a second thought.
He keeps responding to Mia, as if Mia is accusing him, as if this is his word against Mia, and as if he could denigrate Mia enough these problems would go away.
I am old enough to remember girls throwing themselves down the stairs, having their boyfriends hit them in the abdomen, taking dangerous combinations of illegal drugs, and trying to sneak out of state to Washington, DC or NYC to end unwanted pregnancies. It was a terrifying time. I know more than one woman in my…
Omg nooooo! Yeah, I think I would have just joined the nunnery. If my options were back alley abortion or constant pregnancy (assuming that's the type of marriage I would have had), then yeah. Nope.
I saw this on the Planned Parenthood infographic: "Consent to sex is not consent to pregnancy." And the fact that our consent to becoming pregnant is automatically implied because we decide to engage in sexual activity is bullshit. And when that consent is taken away and automatically assumed, and when our options of…
If I'd just discovered my partner had been sleeping with my child, you better believe a sad/cryptic card wouldn't be the worst thing to happen.
Obviously, this is my own personal opinion, but if my partner for 12 years and the man I had 3 children with started an affair with my daughter from a previous marriage and essentially destroyed my family without much remorse, he would be lucky to only get this as his valentine.