Love how these tips make it sound like THIS POSITION + THRUST = INSTANT ORGASM
I hope she sicks her dragons on you.
You know what I find so weird about every discussion about this shit? Almost every article that mentions Soon Yi refers to her as "Mia Farrow's adopted daughter". Why do they do this? If you adopt, that child is your child. Why is it never "Mia Farrow's daughter"? I feel like throwing in the "adopted" label serves as…
Yeah, at one point he says
when you marry your adopted daughter - you don't get to make any defense of improper father-child relationship/touching/molesting/ etc...
That Daily Beast article was so slut-shamey and victim-blamey that any relevant or important information it might have included is lost on me. I had no opinion before (mostly because I, as a random person who has no insider information, don't really have a right to weigh in and I don't get why everyone thinks they do)…
Also: I didn't know much about Bruno Mars before this, and halftime was right around the time the brownies started kicking in, so I spent the entire performance clutching my chest and yelling "I'M JUST SO PROUD OF HIM. HE IS DOING SUCH A GOOD JOB. THIS IS GREAT." while the bar's security guy rocked out beside me.
Let's keep this in mind people, 140 characters doth not a nuanced discussion enable.
Nothing says in touch with the youths of 2014 like a 38 year old man at a lingerie pool party.
Part of me doesn't want to believe the allegations simply because I don't want to believe he's currently abusing children.
Many people who abuse children are very skilled at concealing the abuse. Often the mother is in some serious denial.
I'm noticing that a lot of commenters use the term "victim." As someone who works with sexual assault survivors, we intentionally use the term "survivor" for many reasons. Here is my favorite explanation by Akhila on her Journeys Towards Justice blog:
Exactly this. I feel like focusing on the technicality that he never adopted her does a disservice to loving, supportive, appropriate stepparents everywhere.
I know she's a grown woman now, but I feel like anyone who doubts her is betraying that seven-year-old girl in the attic. Heartbreaking, indeed.
Reading this is heartbreaking. Her story could be my story. The part where she describes how she thought it was just normal father/daughter behaviour really resonates with me. As a child you don't know what's normal and what's not; it could be so uncomfortable, but you'd still go along with it because that's jut what…