
Ickey Woods was unavailable for comment regarding the origin of Shuffleitis.

2.0T + APR = nice...

Given current economic realities I think the only responsible thing to do here is reduce the uniform budget and have them play topless.

I hope that Otto got out in time.

Please folks, it's no longer "Global Warming". It's now "Climate Change"...which allows one to claim that anything is happening and it's all our fault.

@NextStopPottersville: This place has something of an institutional memory. Carl Monday...ESPN commenter day...the Barbaro Fiasco...Bess Marvin, Girl Detective...etc. etc. etc.

So...we're assholes because we expect to see semi-coherent sportswriting on a sports blog and don't like it when we don't?

@OnBiasPercentage: It just got epic, as RedStateSciFiGirl threw up a post (hairball?) in that thread. Speculating as to whether there might be a scientific reason for Madonna being thrown repeatedly from horses.

Once this Yankee abortion comes to an end I fully expect that Big Stein will sit bolt-upright in bed and begin screaming "Bosco" at the top of his shriveled lungs...

@CoolHwhip: That's because it's easier to type single comma-separated words than it is to string together complete sentences regarding a subject you know nothing about.

I'm just going to go ahead and assume that today Moe was the recipient of her Make-A-Wish dream. Because the gig certainly wasn't awarded on the basis of her being qualified.

@Karlifornia: Apparently it's a heavy flow day on the Amazon...

ESPN...your Peter Principle proving grounds since 1979!

Hope, AR just thanks God that all it had to deal with was Bill Clinton.

Sorry Jim, but I'm completely unwilling to grind. Whatever the fuck that is.