
Those kids are the best. They’re respectful and honest about their hustle. I often give them a dollar without even taking the snacks. 

Last night I saw a fruit snack kid just give like three bags to a homeless lady. Definitely improved my night and reminded me that not everyone who wants my attention on the subway is an asshole. 

So every time their affair is brought up people love to bring out the “22 is not a child argument”. Here is the thing:

Spoken like someone who doesn’t remember his presidency. The “losers” you speak of are people who lost the social safety net, lost protection from monopolies, lost the regulation of banks, and lost their union rights, all under Bill.

A story is posted about a 15-year-old girl being sexually groomed by her mentor and your response is “But she became a stripper!”

I didn’t give much thought to my sister’s mental health issues aside from avoiding her. But then I had a kid, and I couldn’t stand risking his safety.

Babies don’t soften everyone. They make you realise how much less you can/want to tolerate other people’s awful behaviour. 

I told a very condensed version of this in a comment to one of the Jez horror story posts maybe about five? years ago, so I’m officially submitting this now. Now with bonus pics. 

Jesus Christ on a cracker. This is the scariest thing I have read today. I am so sorry this happened to you and applaud you were able to write it down and talk about it.

Senior year of high school-in the eighties. My parents had moved our family to this godforsaken desert city from the Midwest the middle of my junior year. I was a fish out of water; often quite literally. Left my boyfriend in the Midwest; my first true love. We spent a few months with feverish phone calls, long love

I have to admit when your boyfriend protested “he asked us not to tell her!” my jaw dropped.  How far does fucking Bro Code go??????  

This is kind of scary, but the scariest part of this story is how awful my taste in men was/is.

I finally found this thread early early enough to *maybe* not be totally buried! The most intensely creepy thing that’s ever happened to me is also the most oddly beautiful.

Me wait ALL YEAR for this moment. ALL YEAR.

Oh, holy shit. We’ve been watching Truaxe’s bipolar swings unfold on Insta for a while now, but this is very bad. We’re getting into psychosis here. All that weird name dropping, the idea of a massive criminal conspiracy - those are grandiose delusions. This can get into dangerous territory (like, legit life-and-limb

This whole thing is seriously triggering for me.

One thing I haven’t seen addressed is that, among other things, Kavanaugh is either an alcoholic or a problem drinker (the line between the two can be fuzzy). It would be one thing if he was in longterm recovery and honest about it. (George Bush (not my favorite!) was an alcoholic in recovery at least. Nixon was an

Mark Judge is the key to all of this. If they don’t bring him before the senate under oath, that proves this is all for show and they have no interest in the truth. There is a reason he has not submitted an affidavit under the threat of perjury and why he is hiding out in a beach house.

That teacher was a mandated reporter and should have reported it directly to the police or child protective services.  A note to the principal does not meet that legal obligation and at minimum he should be fined and have his license suspended. 

Yeah, I imagine she’s been estranged from her family. She spent her childhood telling everyone about this and nothing ever came of it.