
Still not quite as offensive as this at a dealer with FOUR GTRs out front, all marked up this much.q

LOL. I think the most badass Camaro is..

That interior is a war crime.

10/10 would drink Monster energy drink while spectating.

but it clearly says '5' on the back of his shirt?

Really great points, Monty. I'm also a big advocate of stronger enforcement, and yes, I have been known to yell at other cyclists for running reds. My favorite tactic is to shout, "Whoa! Whoa! Dude, look out!" and when they stop and turn around and frantically ask what's wrong, I'll tell them, "The light is red!"

First of all, I read all of Simon's tweets in his voice, and that's awesome.

Comparing number of deaths isn't a very valid metric. There are simply orders of magnitude more drivers than riders at the moment, so of course there'll be more deaths by automobile than bike.

Good article, but it misses my perspective almost entirely.

The beautiful genius behind this car has done something rather simple, really. Remove puny six cylinder engine from 1M. Insert manly bastion as power M3 V8 and DCT gearbox. Then ruin everyone's perceptions of what speed actually means.

yeah im with you on this. If it wasnt a limited run rare car id be ok with it.

It couldn't be further from a proper M-car though. M-cars used to be about light weight, smooth straight-6s.

I am a little upset they chopped up a 1M to do this.

I don't know. I use a scythe on my lawn #hipsterhomedepot


Young people also are the reason stores like Forever 21 and H&M exist...

Guys, you are not doing anyone a favor by shopping at thrift stores either. Due to labor loopholes, Goodwill regularly pays its disabled employees as low as 25¢ an hour. I'd include links but I'm on my phone. Please look into it before you shop there again! It's fucked up!

They're too busy being anti-vaccine and anti-GMO.

I think you make a good point, though not, perhaps, the one you intended to. Apple actually does more than any other electronics producer I can think of to promote good labor practices by its suppliers. ( https://www.apple.com/supplier-respo… ). Though they are not perfect, they do make a considerable effort (more