Anyone have a deodorant suggestion? Please help. Keep in mind due to my anxiety disorder I smell like a pizza pigeon that died inside an onion that was later sliced open by a mortician.
Anyone have a deodorant suggestion? Please help. Keep in mind due to my anxiety disorder I smell like a pizza pigeon that died inside an onion that was later sliced open by a mortician.
Romulans might not be too happy we broke the Treaty of Algeron.
Ok. In her defense, as someone who has been a network anchor (radio) and is still in broadcast news in a top 10 market, she likely DID have a hard break. You’re up against automation and you absolutely must hit that break (hit that post). If you don’t, the automation will cut you off. You have to backtime your way…
Never forget:
“What was going through your head when you were stabbing them? Did you think back to having rickets as a child, and just go ‘God is great?”
I feel bad for anyone that dates Emily in the future.
Only because no one else is answering and not because I’m an expert.
His site caught on with a kind of fervent fan boy attitude to movies at a time when the internet was evolving. It got hot and it stayed kind of hot, I guess. He was emblematic of the type of bedroom blogger superfan that people liked to think the…
They also had no qualms with posting reviews from people who attended test screenings and even illegal leaked copies - Knowles somehow watched a blurry copy of Attack of the Clones several months before release. For a while, sites like AICN had a big impact on studio releases due to leaks. In the long period between…
I think Charmin Sandiego is a better name than The Mad Pooper.
I’m short and petite, I was at the mall and having a cigarette and an old guy asked me just straight out if I was in high school and I was like uhhh no I’m like 30 and he was like oh too bad.
I found out my ex was cheating when I was 8 months pregnant. I locked down emotionally and decided I could stick it out for two years, instead of taking my toddler and soon-to-be-newborn and trying to manage on my own. I was a SAHM so I frankly needed that financial security.
They linked your unlocks to your Bungie account. You can delete your imported character and remake them and will still have all the benefits of being a Destiny 1 player. I did that this morning and I still got my Feat of Strength emblems.
As someone who was working at a store that sold U’s at the time I can say that the Wii U failed also because of the name. The original Wii attracted an audience that didn’t normally play games very much, and when the U came out they were confused. Most people didn’t even realize it was a different system. Marketing…
Those figures are including fuel costs - I.e. total cost for mileage in the Lincoln would’ve been ~$70,000 inc fuel and maintenance. In the Tesla it’s just maintenance costs, as the Tesla gets free supercharging.
Thank you! I’m bummed with all the really gross anti-polyam stuff in this thread (“he already has a side chick,” “wants new pussy but wants to split the rent,” etc.) without any real consideration for the issues surrounding polyamory.
Sloppy attempts at it (like this one) give open relationships a bad name, but almost…
Okay, I actually am in a polyamorous relationship, and have been since about 2001, and I can tell MVP that there’s actually a term for the bullshit her boyfriend is pulling. It’s called “Relationship Broken? Add More People!”, and it refers specifically to the kind of person who thinks that polyamory is a solution to…
Reasons to think that Trump may actually be Ganondorf:
“What do the legend of Zelda and the American Tax Code have in common?”
...that the only way to actually earn Rupees is the violent redistribution of wealth by coming into your homes and smashing your shit?
...that 1% who have the most rupees hide them in pots and tall grass (HEDGE FUNDS GET IT!?) rather than putting…
Distribution of reviews is also key. A lot of 1 star reviews = no go. I usually start researching a product by seeing what issues the 1 star reviews say. If the bulk of them are user error I’m good. If the bulk of them are “product broke in half immediately after return window”..... no thanks.