This guy wouldn’t have released (or used) it unless there was almost nobody left. Those that are are probably good enough that they’d enjoy this.
This guy wouldn’t have released (or used) it unless there was almost nobody left. Those that are are probably good enough that they’d enjoy this.
To avoid interesting encounters?
git gud
Cool. You’re a boring person.
PSN gets articles when it’s down for a day. Because the only online game is Destiny. Xbox gets an article when it’s “malfunctioning” for a couple hours, because it’s the end of the world.
Well he has real life friends, has gotten laid and doesn’t live in his mom’s basement or have a neckbeard.... so he doesn’t meet the requirments.
In every other area, regulations define a minimum standard. Fuel economy is the only exception where the regulation defines the average instead. Imagine if safety regs specified that cars need to have some average safety level instead of a minimum. You’d get the same problem.
Completely agree. If you ask me, Hickman’s Avengers, New Avengers, and Secret Wars is the best thing going in main stream comics. Avengers introduced the Avengers to the bigger galaxy. They became the Galaxy’s Greatest Heroes. All while the super geniuses of the 616 were attempting to deal with an unsolvable problem.…
Doom being Doom, the evil monarch snatches omnipotence and reshapes all of reality to serve his own dysfunctional ego.
Kylie Jenner lips on her back.
Dunno. I voted for Obama and sometimes I wonder wtf he's doing so many snl tv show type of appearances.
Musk did offer Hotz a couple million dollars to develop this under Tesla, but Hotz refused because he’s not doing this for the money.
They are based on tropes and the classic heroes journey, not a blind re-hash of Episode IV. There was so much good in this movie, but JJ and Company spent too much time trying to hit all the major plot beats of the first film that they neglected the very good, very interesting story and characters they were…
Really? What about my husband who travels as much as he is home and frequently has dinners or drinks with single women co-workers?
“screw your lizard brain" would be cool on a T-shirt.
That’s one thing dating long distance teaches you; your partner will definitely be hanging out with people of the same gender when you’re not there, and so will you, and that’s just the way it is.