Ah, my mistake. He’s known for wearing lifts, I guess? “haha he’s short” doesn’t really make my funny engine to turn over, so I missed it.
Ah, my mistake. He’s known for wearing lifts, I guess? “haha he’s short” doesn’t really make my funny engine to turn over, so I missed it.
Is this a “gay” joke? Do gay men wear heels? Because they want to be women?
Yes to this! Children need to be taught at every age that they always have a choice about what happens to/with their body. Forced hugs are fucked up.
I lived in Paris from ‘93-’96, and the harassment/assault on the subway and in the street was staggering. Young women would get an arm over their shoulders apropos of nothing, agressive hey babys all over the place.
All that needs to be said !
haha are you for real?
amen, preach it.
Ak her shtick is soooo slow and unfunny! Who finds this character funny? What is funny about this character? The leaps she makes are painfully short and feel old+obvious.
"You can train a person on a lot of stuff in 10 years. You can't train a person on patience, compassion, discipline, and tolerance."
stfu, mra troll.
If you're trolling, fuck off.
My group has been playing together for the last year and a half, and holy hell has it been great. We started out with the meat grinder of Labyrinth Lord (1st edition d&d clone), lost an average of two PCs per session, which made surviving all the more thrilling. Then last fall we switched over to 5th edition and dove…
while I appreciate that yes, you need to tell teens not to do stupid stuff, this reminds me of de Blasio having "the talk" with his son (about being black around cops). It is a necessary talk, but it really should never be served without a side dish of FUCK THIS SHIT. The notion that people, even shitty-acting boys,…
not to pit too fine a point on it, butt:
He's being double-racist, dissing the inner city BlackZone by saying it compares unfavorably to MEXICO: THIRD WORLD HELLHOLE. Clearly stuck in the 80s
Will you be my friend?
Great use of emoji, bro
What Nazi thinspo hell do you live that an ass like Kim's is not something you see on a daily basis? Have you heard of hip-hop? And did you read the fukkin article?
Thank you for this comment. In a better world it would be an article on Lifehacker. And thank you for everyone who shares their stories.