
All that needs to be said !

Awww c'mon, you tease. If you're going to promulgate made-up, scientifically unsupported concepts, at least give us the sexy one: "devolve".

haha are you for real?

amen, preach it.

thank you for making the effort of correcting OP, too lazy

Ak her shtick is soooo slow and unfunny! Who finds this character funny? What is funny about this character? The leaps she makes are painfully short and feel old+obvious.


The DAY before I read this comic, I was asking myself, what exactly does Namor bring to Hickman's Illuminati, really? He's just nowhere near anyone else in terms of smarts, and he's a total dick, sooo...?

Amen. I have found a way to just block them out. This is an objectively horrible movie poster for one of the biggest movies in the history of cinema (money-wise), and it looks like something you would be proud of your 8 year old doing.

"You can train a person on a lot of stuff in 10 years. You can't train a person on patience, compassion, discipline, and tolerance."

Nice sci-fi scope, bra

Could you be any more tepidly obtuse?

bullshit, and you know it.

wow, so delicate.

Loved the episode, great revelations on ollie's life with amanda, Lance v. Lance betrayal action, the island.

stfu, mra troll.

What the hell? No rogue and magneto?

I'm sure you mean telepathically.

If you're trolling, fuck off.

My group has been playing together for the last year and a half, and holy hell has it been great. We started out with the meat grinder of Labyrinth Lord (1st edition d&d clone), lost an average of two PCs per session, which made surviving all the more thrilling. Then last fall we switched over to 5th edition and dove