Whoa, is this Buckaroo Banzai or Big Trouble?
Whoa, is this Buckaroo Banzai or Big Trouble?
Hmmm hopefully there will be some discussion of the fact that light and radio are both EM waves.
Yeah, "O noooz!! We goin to China!"
Awwww d00d that gave me mad lulz.
Good article in terms of info, BUT...
No doubt! Especially after the mega-sukfest that was prometheus. And crystal skull.
Hmmm well the first season uniforms were way too 70s. They got way more 90s after that. Which is to say, less sexy and more officious.
Holy shit I had never seen this before...
lol chill marty. The text is in the article, Indented and italixized.
Don't think so. I got two from the comic book shop. I have too many comics as it is, gotta keep the swag from accumulating too much, though I am prolly going to fold and join the Venture Bros t-shirt club.
Not offbhh
Hmmm not sure that we've dug deeply enough here.
d00d that's hardcore.
Holy fuck you are so right...
Hmmm not a bad idea in some respects. This is the sort of thing I would commission if I wuz a billionaire, along with a dodecalology of Judge Dredd sequels to the Karl Urban film of last year. I even have a dope [thin!] metal badge with DREDD on it. I gave the other one to my ummm tree guy's ten year old son.
No worries, just helping each other out when grappling with the horrors of episodes 1-3. I remember being sooo excited for episode one, avoided all trailers and spoilers, and was babbling about how awesome it was going to be, and my dad sez:
"Eyes of a droid, these are not."