
Aside from Armor Lock, still the best MP of any Halo.

If “overhead” is mostly understood as “blood money” then there will absolutely be a line item.

Well this *definitely* won’t lead to a corporation-coddled descent into authoritarianism.

It’s almost as if gaming culture is build on a foundation of deferred emotional growth and inferiority complexes that manifest themselves in regressive ideology that’s blistering to the surface now that it’s being monetized.

I mean, all mid 80's sports cars are going to take a fortune to return to clean factory spec. These days clean, MK1b factory spec MR2s (that aren’t price/condition outliers) go for 45-5500 fairly regularly with solid examples solidly around 3-3500. Personally, having shopped AW11s for the better part of two years now,

The answer to that question is pretty funny actually. They come from nowhere. The unifying phenomena behind most far right wing adherents is just how disconnected they are from society at large. They find comradery in fascism because society somehow “failed” them, because they were pariahs and outsiders to begin


The stream is now up and running yall, get at it.

All the serious competitors lay frame on the dunes.

And you’re absolutely not wrong. I think by far the largest hang up here (as the dead horse is beaten in the background) is inconsistent officiating. I mean, I watched the majority of that race, and from what I could tell there were similar passes all over the course made by literally every single driver on the

It was also the most exciting racing we’ve seen in years, added with the manufacturer’s championship contention on the line for Ferrari. It’s an emotional issue for many, given F1's history of giving Ferrari the pass, so to speak.

So, impeccable work. Like, holy crap. How were you able to get to a point where you could do work like this so competently? Time? Schooling? Extraordinary boredom? I’d love to set myself on the path to doing maintenance like this (and what you’ve accomplished on your other vehicles!) but I have no idea where to start.

>roll it

Dog whistles: the weapon of choice for Confederate apologists.

See em all the time in Texas. Funny how they started popping up right around the same time police were under scrutiny for killing just a few too many folks that “looked a certain way” too close together.

Show me the proof, fam. Back yourself up. Otherwise, I see a man in a dry house that’s been watching sensationalist coverage of a problem that is a *pittance* in the face of the situation that is assailing our city right now.

Then don’t loop the desperate and hungry from three days ago with the *extrodianarily small* group of people going into condemned houses today. If you’re going to make distinctions, be clear with them. The lines here are not in shades of grey.

Did you miss that last part? Or were you too busy reading Drudge Report?

Don’t even say that people don’t go hungry in this city day in and day out without the floodwaters. You’re turning a blind eye to the fact that natural disasters disproportionately affect poor communities, exacerbated by Houston’s lack of zoning and “developer-friendly” building code. Never mind stagnant (or receding,