
That wasn’t the case three days ago. Don’t even.

I live here. In the areas most affected (that means underwater,) there haven’t been ways to immediately get to a shelter. They have had to wait for rescue, or brave the floodwaters to get to relative safety. Some of these folks have been flooded out of their homes before they could grab provisions. Some were able to

Word of advice to any prospective buyers: get the Recaros. You’ll need em.

Is a GTS that drives four wheels still a GTS?

314m/316m refers to the cost of the development process for the bomb itself, not the cost of a single unit.

ITBs on a L-series engine is as sweet as it gets. I salute you!

The externally mounted oil cooler has been a staple of Japanese street tuning style for a while now, especially on 70's era cars, but most specifically Bosozoku examples.


Yep! Specifically 40K, which is the “Grim Darkness, Far Future” bidness I’m sure you’re heard about here or there. I played 3rd Edition when I was a tyke and kept reading the accompanying novels up until Dan Abnett started shifting focus to comics/Pre-Heresy.

Nope my dude, that’s Holy Terra. Note the Imperial Eagle motifs, the Servo Skulls and Adeptus Custodes. 40K AF

Just FYI, those are deer, not foxes.

Or better yet, yank the whole system out. Performance!

And is immediately drafted by the Cowboys.


That bike is knot fir me.

Cough. Read the thread.

There’s alway’s the Alamo Drafthouse. They’ll do limited showings of big internation movies such as this on occasion.

The only thing that’s unique is their ability to do so on the regular.

I’m the survivor of a 2006 Audi A3. It was merciless in it’s emptying of my wallet.

I once bought an Audi. I feel your pain.