
"Damnit Joe, you wound up on Jalopnik."

Red flag laws. I'm sick of paying some dude to hold a fucking flag or lantern in front of my horseless. Sometimes he can't find the goddamn flag and we're stuck and now I'm losing shillings just sitting here waiting for the flag store to open. Fucking ridiculous. If you can't tell there's a motor vehicle on the way

Does Jalopnik ever stop with the negative smug articles? Why can't you guys ever have a positive article? Everything is always about how "Jalopnik knows everything hahaha were smuggy smug bastards". Go ahead and throw in something about how they accidentally called it a spy shot or how Mclaren maybe has a different

Just tired of clickbait bullshit that has no sources, no information, and no place wasting column space. Some of the other articles by the same author have been good. This is not one of them.

If we wanted to read juvenile responses to questions that have a relevant point, then we would just go read forums. As an author, I would hope you hold yourself to a higher standard. If you don't, maybe you should reconsider this "career" path.

This is a high quality comment.

give Ken Block credit, he got closer to Lewis Hamilton than Pastor Maldonado has all year.

this is even funnier somehow

Passenger Tony Tickle, a bonsai artist from Ramsbottom

Usually I'm all for calling someone an asshat. Doesn't matter what they've done, or who they are, but in this instance I'd say the asshat mantle is undeserved.

Well, there's your problem.

The actress has spoken. The show must go.

It doesn't matter if she was doing the speed limit, or going 100 over speed limit. Left lane is for PASSING! It's a universal law. Exists in every single country (different in RHD market of course). Unless there is bumper-to-bumper traffic in every lane or you plan to make a left turn, GET OUT OF THE LEFT LANE!

"Sorry, I just can't afford it." He said, as they walked away from their test drive. "We'll have to look at something used for you, my wife will definitely notice a purchase that big."