
probably some guy in Ferrari HQ will want to say "you're holding it wrong"

hahaha that is just hillarious !

Ruler, lightsaber, guitar and panoramic features are FTW !

hahaha you just made my day !

Me go this car wash NOW !

I experienced similar thing a few years ago when I was in college with my 1993 Hyundai Excel. When cold, engine suddenly raises the to 4000 - 5000 RPM after running 3-4 minutes and it was no picnic in a congested traffic. I had to go back and forth to the dealer and finally the found that the oil temp sensor was

I still have my iPod White 4th Gen working fine after changing the battery and hdd with compactflash

Plasma, Samsung, 51 inch, nuff said.

Problem with this is that unless you were actually IN the meeting, it is sometimes difficult to decode all the notes scattered all over the board.

Probably not the best approach when attaching it on your bicep while jogging

and they said mine was an overkill

"We're going to use the best pointing device in the world. We're going to use a pointing device that we're all born with - born with ten of them. We're going to use our fingers." Steve Jobs - iPhone launch, Macworld 2007

plus Klingon.

Plus Klingon.

I agree.

Why is adidas micoach is not on this list ?

I would pay $$$ for Foghorn Leghorn's voice rather than Jeremy's. Listening to "Take right, ah sayy, take right on the next intersection boy" or "Pay attention when I'm giving directions son" will surely take make my driving days

This will be the intro for the next Fast and Furious !

as depicted ...

The title is wrong. It should be "Open Food Cans with Concrete Parking Stops ... and a metal tool"