
Does flavor makes any difference? I want chocolate chip.

Let's see; I have 4TB of NAS, 1 WD elements 320 GB that I lug around from home to work, and 1 generic 100 GB hdd to put video clips and movies to my tv. Not to mention, tons of 2-4GB flash drives lying everywhere. I would say, yeah, I do need that harddrive space

I'll bet nobody will kick his ass if Google Glasses are like these

Ha ha !

Now playing

The guy must had this song ringing in his ears pfft.

Am I the only one hearing the driver growling like Taz seconds before it hits ?

You need to smurf smurf. If you don't smurf, then you will be smurfed with other smurfs that has been in the same smurf

Day by day Giz is turning into this when it comes to Zuckerberg

"Sugoi desu ne !"

It's a joke, ah say it's a joke, son !

Shooting video on portrait mode ?!? Again ?!? WTF !?

Wow, that was awesome. I remembered playing this a long time ago #sega

Driving on open roads, closed circuit is one thing. Now for us daily commuters, can anybody explain what driving techniques that we should do in this situation ?

Are you sure it's not this kid ???

Agreed. I use this to work + laptop sleeve

What is people with rainbow cakes nowadays ???? Is it possible that Apple is inspired to design its home page from this ?

relax ... it's only only him practising

mmm kayyy

Just lay off the fat and skin of you're eating meat or chicken, choose grilled instead of fried and do food combining

it's not just a man, it's Superman !