
I agree. Imagine you're home alone and those hands sticking out from beneath you

What about airline food ? Will it sucked like ... forever ???

Quite nicely done !

You've lost me there ....

why this thread came first in Lifehacker rather than Gizmodo ?

It's Coco Chip Ice Cream FTW !

Now playing

Somehow I don't feel relaxed after watching this one

serious choices: Jarvis (Iron Man), Darth Vader, Darth Sidious, Christopher walken, and most Brit chicks (Eva Green, Elizabeth Hurly, etc)

That's not the original MANLAND, this one is ...

Holy smoking altitude Batman ... They beat us up right to the top ! I'll get the BatCopter !

OK, THAT'S IT ... I count 3 articles in the last a couple of days including this one ( [gizmodo.com] and http://lifehacker.com/5840381/how-to-plan-an-awesome-last+minute-vacation-on-the-cheap ) that uses the word 'AWESOME'.

Printing? the only innovation left for printing is to price the ink cartridges so that it is waayyyy cheaper than it is. As of now, you buy 2 cartridges with the same amount of cash that you can buy a new printer (ink jet that is). I mean, WTF ?

I want this robot ! It doesn't make cars, but who cares ? let other robots do it

I just love the illustration

If I remember correctly, all the movie theaters here already put subtitles on all movies

It's not a tank. It's an APC - Armoured Personnel Carrier

Jobs should've learned 'Force choke' during the board meeting

The soundtrack could be much better

get yourself a kick zombie ass girlfriend !

Arghh.. and I regret the moment I clicked and read this article. Everything will never be the same