
I'd rather use this:

Kal-El has 12 cores... hmmm.. I'll wait for Jor-el then, maybe it'll have 48 cores

DLL for sure !!!!

Last week the first iPad 2was sold here in Jakarta for roughly U$2,000. And that was the 64 Gb Wifi Model. Talk about getting supernormal profits from early adopters

Is it possible for this app to only select say "Female, voluptuous, good looking, long legged brunette, early 20s to mid 30s" to give me a CPR within the vicinity ?

At least here you'll get what you're looking at (Korriban - Home of the Sith)

@qwopzxnm: Most valuable piece of research ever conducted

Didn't they have Windows CE or Pocket PC about a decade ago (and how it miserably faded/evolved/changed/whatever ?

No, he didn't use any telescopes. Fortunately he uses this while analizing tons of data. Get the connection, eh?

Hmmm .... I wonder where he got those crystals. I need to increase my dexterity

Since most of the things today are made in China, are you sure they are copying from the US?

This is FAR better !


Hey... me want a Sith Lord too !

Ah, we've heard this so many times ago: It will cost under $500 ....... for the basic model: no 3G, small memory, no extra ports, smaller screen, tied to 2 yr contract, bla bla bla

If I were Steve Jobs, I would carve my house from a single block of aluminum (Unibody Aluminium House)