
Gamebooster app initializing..... START

Easy solution: just throw away your clothes after each trip.

Somebody forgot to update his resume:

He's practising to throw to anybody who f**ks up his future demos

Cosmetic-wise it looks nice. However, based on my previous Nokias, 2 things that I doubt: OS and build quality !

"Fly: YES, Land: NO !" (Indiana Jones: The Last Crusade)

In regard to writing proficiency, the largest religions are at the bottom. I wonder why ? Hmmm ... Let's not speculate, shall we?

The lady's hair, that's bizarre !!

I presume this goes back some time ago when the kid was just a freshman:

Now playing

Ping ?!? WTF ??? Oh I know.... Here's the process of finding the name Ping (Change "B" to "P")

Just below the Volvo logo: I still can't believe there is a (real) company would copy the Federation (Star Trek) logo straight forward like that !

Since it has an Nvidia Tegra processor, they should name it what rhymes with "Tegra", such as the Sega Theme sound [www.entertonement.com]

In case of air travel, I'd prefer this chart way better !


@Kaessa: This is the best creation ever !

Someone has got too much spare time on theirs hands to look into these things

This monitor setup is much much better

I don't understand why the hell this is called Liquid metal....