
What all those jumpers didn't know is the military secretly covered up the "failplane" logos on those bohemoths... ;)

Dear god yes +100 to the damn bathroom mirror photos... I am so sick of those! Do you really not have anyone to take a picture for you? How about a tripod? HOW ABOUT A FRIGGIN TABLE OR STACK OF BOOKS?!?

Wait, so the zoo officials sent a bunch of guys with guns to go get the bear, based on a video? Why the heck would they think it was still there at that corner? If it was real I'm pretty sure it would have moved on after a few minutes...

Did somebody say...ENHANCE?

Why would you do that? Why keep going after you broke the door? I wish I knew the last thing that was going through his mind...ya know...besides the elevator....

@Dean William Parmenter: I swear to God I'm going to pistol whip the next guy who says, " Shenanigans."

Everybody leave. I have to poop. NOW!!!

GAH! Post has only been up for 7 hours and the video is already gone. I hate you, "This video has been removed by the user."

To all those upset about it not being in the market and no QR code, check their website [www.appanalysis.org] and the FAQs say they are going to release the source so stay tuned!

@pyroholtz: a look at the FAQs on the TaintDroid website ([www.appanalysis.org] lists that it isn't out yet, but will be released in open source with details posted to their site.

@OCEntertainment: I see what you are getting at, and I definitely agree, just so frustrating that they can get away with all this crap and pretty much nothing can be done.

OK maybe I missed it, but is this really considered a robotic vagina? It looks like one nurse is pushing the baby through while the other delivers, nothing robotic there.

Wait, if there were physical items shipped isn't there hope of a return address? I know not much can be done across international lines but still, there has to be SOMETHING that can be done to stop this guy from spamming anymore!

The only way this would be good is if it is interactive and I can punch Jar Jar Binks in his big fat 3D nose!

Damn damn damn...Here I was getting my hopes up for a holiday release based on other people's speculation about announcement date vs. release date. That'll teach me...

They need to release apps for smartphones so you can "shoot" people anywhere, not just in front of their special camera mirrors.

Thank you thank you thank you! I knew there had to be something like Watchdog out there, just never new about it so I had to settle for Advanced Task Killer and guess at what was chewing up my CPU!

@psybab: I have a couple sets of Buckyballs courtesy of a certain daily deal website. Their purpose is something fun to play with and they can also be like a geeky version of bonsai. If you just mess with them they can be molded in your hand almost like dough, but then you can string them out, put them together, make

@ceilingFANBOY: Is that what that was? The whole time I was looking at him going "WTF is up with his neck???"

The potential for 3D to work out is there, just a few hurdles to clear.