
@CandyBacon: Gotta keep your followers in the loop!

Dedicated Device: probably fail

This looks familiar...

..and somewhere Lara Croft is on some crazy adventure dealing with clocks and celestial body alignments...

Oh great, who set off the fire sprinklers?!? No wait...the cloud machine is malfunctioning again...

OMG as if I didn't want GW2 bad enough already, now this? I would have killed for this in GW1! I think I just peed a little...


Next advancement, programs created that can read text in pictures, but the ads are creating so much revenue we get this:

I suppose it is a simple solution to a common problem, but whatever happened to appliance timers? Just set the off time and don't put the pin in for the turn on time.

Slow news day eh Giz? Rehashing a story already...

Wow, just wow. I LOL'd at first, then I realized how sad it is that the kinect creator is SO out of touch with the PC aspect of gaming. What, you work on XBox stuff so you aren't allowed to touch a PC anymore? Too used to a controller so now a keyboard is big and scary and has too many buttons?

Was this picture taken pre- or post- free bumper?

@Platypus Man: It's all the thrills of playing God with planes without all the fireballs and death associated with crashes :)

@GamerKT: Not only is it more responsive, it can properly detect people SITTING!

Why do I hear dogs? Did Nintendogs for the 3DS come out already?

@gmcannon: Yep, Chicken Pawks is right. I used to work at a GameStop, any console boxes you see out in the open are empty, all the real stuff is locked up in the back. Come to think of it, most of the things you see in the store are empty, anything of value is locked up somewhere else.

I swear to God I'm going to pistol whip the next guy who says, " Shenanigans."

OK am I missing a step? Does this work on anything or does it have to be something UV reactive, like maybe a surface painted with glow in the dark paint?

@Joe: I just remember that damn beeping they tried to pass off as music...

@ToastyUterus: You are probably right. I know a Jeep enthusiast, has to have everything Jeep. He even found Jeep luggage and a Jeep baby stroller, so I know you can take the biggest piece of crap, slap a Jeep logo on it, and jack up the price 2-3x LOL.