
The Formula for Formula 1 should be as simple as, you get 2 cars, they must be this size and this weight and you have this budget. Otherwise it's all open, now go!

People watch F1 to root for or against Ferrari.

Ah, that explains it. Ignore my post above.

...and so far, the only part of GM not hit with a recall.

Haven't seen a first gen Miata with a luggage rack since I sold my first one. Damn, that was a great car, haters be damned. Chick car indeed, I drove it new from Toronto to Daytona, and when I came out of the water there were ladies all over it. Did I mention what a great car it was?

Luckily enough for my depleted bank account, my search returned zero hits.

you have done a lot personally to bring young fans into NASCAR, your appearances on kids shows alone have made my kids fans. What do you think NASCAR needs to do going forward to widen its fan base especially with the young and beyond US borders, if indeed there is a desire to do so?

Sucky Motorsport in depth coverage in Toronto. Thanks.

Michael, can you post a link to the 10 year renewal? As of Friday I still hadn't seen it confirmed by Bernie. Great news for a great venue.

The old tracks are the best tracks. Great race, and rare for F1 as exciting as my son's race earlier in the day. Love the Canadian GP.

If I wasn't full of a summer cold and packing it in early, I'd be so into this.

Well duh, of course PowerPoint is the problem. They should have used Keynote.

Just assumed the Audi followed the trend, glad to see it hasn't and thanks for pointing this out to me.

I stopped buying convertibles because there's less to choose from and I HATE what a folding tin top does to a car. This from a man who has owned a dozen but not bought one since '05.

Ask how much it weighs.

Someone needs to steal one of the myriad Mustangs running about and drive that sucker on to scale, you know, accidentally. If can't steal, redirect it via road closed signs.

I'd be more interested in which airlines best stock the bars on board. Both in terms of quality and quantity. I'd bet Virgin on quantity, and a Eastern or (ironically) middle Eastern airline on quality, but really I have no idea.

Sigh. Yes.

Well covered.